Over the years, on this blog and beyond, I've expressed a few eye-rolls over the local TV "weather people" and their tendency to attempt whipping viewers into a frenzy over severe weather predictions. I've got to say this time, (and last year for the most part) they were accurate in their forecasting and given the seriousness of the conditions, the hyperbole aspect seemed more subdued. Sure, there's still all the "live on location" shots of reporters clad in their Columbia Sportswear, grimacing enthusiastically in the cold, reporting live from freeway over-passes and other outdoor points of interest, but I'm seeing a little more substance and a little less drama in the overall format. I'm grateful for this because I just want information - like what's up with the road conditions and what to expect in the next few days.
Here is me taking a shot at reporting on conditions at/around The Pavilion, with a bit of hyperbole of my own:
The East Wind is howling like a forlorn demon. It's colder than a witch's left tit. The PDX area and beyond has received several inches of snow all the way down to sea level. Schools are closed, much to the delight of children and hung-over college students alike. The roads, especially residential ones, have become glazed-over hazards. They now look and feel more suitable for Winter Olympic challenges, rather than a safely paved route to travel by car, or even on foot. Slippery slush would be a welcome change at this point. As always, numerous SUV drivers are discovering that they are not exempt from the laws of physics. This lack of understanding isn't restricted to just SUV drivers though. The sides of local roads and highways are strewn with abandoned vehicles of all pedigree. Some questionably 'wise' drivers chose to stop and install their tire chains smack-dab right in the middle of the traffic. It's the same old dance. Mother Nature shows her frigid wrath, common sense takes a backseat for many.. and Jack Frost is at the wheel!
- Pictures at 11:00
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