Saturday, December 13, 2008

This Is A Job For...

At first glance, it's a strand of black utility wires, ominously laying on the ground, but leading to what? Recently, one of the lower boughs of the pine tree growing in the back yard of The Pavilion had to be amputated due to it sagging down onto these very same utility lines. Even with the limb removal, obviously that weight on the lines had taken a toll. Looking up, I could see where a connection bolt had separated from a thicker line, causing the wires to come down. Fortunately, they're telephone wires, not affecting the adjacent power line to the house. The safe choice was to call the phone company, to schedule a repair and let them handle the task of reattching the fallen lines. Hopefully the repairs will be completed before (and if) the year's first 'Winter-Like' Storm arrives as predicted for this Sunday-Monday. Speaking of that, it's unusual to hear a forecast involving snow in the early portion of December. The temps are expected to drop down well below freezing next week, so I've performed the annual ritual of winterizing The Pavilion exterior and will do the usual indoor "dripping faucet trick" to ensure the water pipes don't freeze/burst, - as what happened at the next door neighbor's house, some years back. The look of misery on that guy's face (especially when he realized how easily that calamity could have been prevented) was one I'll never forget. Hopefully this winter won't be marked by too many interesting, weather surprises, but if it is, we're reasonably well prepared here.

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