Thursday, December 25, 2008

God Jul

..and Happy Holidays from The Pavilion Guard.

Hoping all is well, wherever you may find yourself at this time.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another Update

Yesterday a PGE repair crew miraculously arrived to take care of that problem tree limb. Just in time too, apparently, as I was told that the line had become so strained, it was barely attached to the house anymore.

By tomorrow morning we're supposed to be receiving another 2-4 inches of snow. Whoever originally said: "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" probably wasn't thinking of how tedious it could be for regions that aren't accustomed to it. Sometimes there's just too much of the white.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Looming Ice Monster

First Day Of Winter

How appropriate that is.

The ice arrived last night but now at 7:00 PM, it's snowing like crazy. Present accumulations here and around The Pavilion range from 7 inches to a few feet - and counting. The pictures below, illustrate the conditions and concerns. We still may lose power and one of the likely causes has been identified. Earlier while R.H. and I were wading through the snow around the property, we spotted a tree in the back yard, laden with ice and one of it's limbs sagging down onto the electrical line. This tree is notorious for losing limbs all by itself, in perfectly mild conditions, all year around. The limb in question is already cracked at the spot where it connects to the trunk. Every time the wind gusts, the tree emits ominous creaks and groans. Very unnerving. R.H. and I briefly discussed if there might be some way that we could deal with this: cut the limb off, try to prop it up somehow.. or even cut the whole tree down, but any hare-brained idea that came to mind had "Darwin Award" written all over it. That branch isn't just leaning onto the power line, it's actually tangled in it, as seen below. I called PGE to report the problem but understandably, they're already overwhelmed with trying to restore power to the estimated 45,000 + "customers" who are presently without electricity.

Our secondary concern is an old one. The Ponderosa Pine is covered with snow and ice. The way it's looming over the house, with most of its limbs growing on one side, (the west side of the tree) it almost resembles some giant monster from one of those old Godzilla movies. Ponderosa Pines are known for being more bare on the side that faces the prevailing winds. Looking at this one, it's easy to see which side gets blasted every year.

In other storm related news, The Pavilion Scenic Railway Line. Is out of service until further notice. In the photo below, one can see only a small portion of the track that is still partially exposed near the side of the house. At this time, no comments have been issued by PSR engineers or disgruntled passengers.

Miscellaneous pictures:

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Update - 10:45 PM

With the freezing rain heading this way and power outages being reported, R.H. decided to purchase some extra wood bundles in case we lose power here at The Pavilion - a scenario which is becoming increasingly probable. Even with his 4 x drive truck, he had significant difficulty making the journey, but thankfully made it back OK. Motorists are getting stranded along the I-84 and other areas. Out here in this region, being so close to the Columbia Gorge, we're getting massive wind gusts, over 45 mph now. There are 10 inches of snow - much deeper in the drifts. If the weather folks are correct (as they have been so far) all of that snow will soon be covered with a thick crust of ice..

I'm openly saying now, this is the worst snow storm I've seen around these parts in many years.

More Storm Coverage

As of 2:00 PM - Saturday, the snow is really piling up here (about 4 inches so far) and the east wind is strengthening, with gusts up to 40 mph. Some time tonight and into tomorrow, this is expected to "transition" into freezing rain and then a possible full-blown ice storm. The view outside the home office window is resembling a blizzard.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Drivin' in a Winter Wonderland
Heading back to The Pavilion, I was almost caught in that mess.

I got lucky with a well placed off-ramp.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Technically it's not even winter, but nobody around here is going to deny that it truly is a winter wonderland. - Although some folks might prefer other, less cheery expressions to describe it..

Over the years, on this blog and beyond, I've expressed a few eye-rolls over the local TV "weather people" and their tendency to attempt whipping viewers into a frenzy over severe weather predictions. I've got to say this time, (and last year for the most part) they were accurate in their forecasting and given the seriousness of the conditions, the hyperbole aspect seemed more subdued. Sure, there's still all the "live on location" shots of reporters clad in their Columbia Sportswear, grimacing enthusiastically in the cold, reporting live from freeway over-passes and other outdoor points of interest, but I'm seeing a little more substance and a little less drama in the overall format. I'm grateful for this because I just want information - like what's up with the road conditions and what to expect in the next few days.

Here is me taking a shot at reporting on conditions at/around The Pavilion, with a bit of hyperbole of my own:


The East Wind is howling like a forlorn demon. It's colder than a witch's left tit. The PDX area and beyond has received several inches of snow all the way down to sea level. Schools are closed, much to the delight of children and hung-over college students alike. The roads, especially residential ones, have become glazed-over hazards. They now look and feel more suitable for Winter Olympic challenges, rather than a safely paved route to travel by car, or even on foot. Slippery slush would be a welcome change at this point. As always, numerous SUV drivers are discovering that they are not exempt from the laws of physics. This lack of understanding isn't restricted to just SUV drivers though. The sides of local roads and highways are strewn with abandoned vehicles of all pedigree. Some questionably 'wise' drivers chose to stop and install their tire chains smack-dab right in the middle of the traffic. It's the same old dance. Mother Nature shows her frigid wrath, common sense takes a backseat for many.. and Jack Frost is at the wheel!

- Pictures at 11:00

Saturday, December 13, 2008

This Is A Job For...

At first glance, it's a strand of black utility wires, ominously laying on the ground, but leading to what? Recently, one of the lower boughs of the pine tree growing in the back yard of The Pavilion had to be amputated due to it sagging down onto these very same utility lines. Even with the limb removal, obviously that weight on the lines had taken a toll. Looking up, I could see where a connection bolt had separated from a thicker line, causing the wires to come down. Fortunately, they're telephone wires, not affecting the adjacent power line to the house. The safe choice was to call the phone company, to schedule a repair and let them handle the task of reattching the fallen lines. Hopefully the repairs will be completed before (and if) the year's first 'Winter-Like' Storm arrives as predicted for this Sunday-Monday. Speaking of that, it's unusual to hear a forecast involving snow in the early portion of December. The temps are expected to drop down well below freezing next week, so I've performed the annual ritual of winterizing The Pavilion exterior and will do the usual indoor "dripping faucet trick" to ensure the water pipes don't freeze/burst, - as what happened at the next door neighbor's house, some years back. The look of misery on that guy's face (especially when he realized how easily that calamity could have been prevented) was one I'll never forget. Hopefully this winter won't be marked by too many interesting, weather surprises, but if it is, we're reasonably well prepared here.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A Christmas Wish

Reindeer Meatballs.
