Sunday, November 12, 2006

Big storm a comin!!! (Maybe)

Once again the big four local news outlets are sounding an alarm over a potentially severe weather event on the way. They’ve been known to over-dramatize their weather forecasts before. On December 12th 1995, a storm brewing off the Northern California coast headed into Oregon. Wind speeds approaching those of The Columbus Day Storm were predicted as “likely” within the metro area. This scenario scared the living crap out of anyone old enough to be around during that rare, devastating blow. Portland homeowners scurried to secure anything that wasn’t anchored to the ground, while local news crews were dispatched and visibly eager to cover the destruction, -which never happened. It’s fair to say the same over-zealousness has been applied to numerous snow and ice storm forecasts that melted away to nothing. However tempting it is to discount some of this current forecast as media-driven hyperbole, November hasn’t exactly been a placid month so far and it doesn’t take 50-plus mph winds to do serious damage. The recent, massive rainfalls have over-saturated the ground, which makes for dangerous conditions when combined with tall trees and strong(er) wind gusts. It’s this aspect I don't underestimate, given the two pine trees looming high over The Pavilion.

As of now at 6:00 pm, the local newsies are sticking to their prediction of 50 mph wind gusts in the metro area. The “wind watch” extends between 10:00 pm and early tomorrow morning. There’s no sign of the wind yet, but it’s raining steadily.

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