Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Pavilion Makeover

The buzzing of chainsaws yesterday marked the end of a couple of old Pavilion fixtures. Two huge cherry trees which had grown from *this* side of the property line, through the fence and leaned back over onto this property, finally met their demise. Apparently the next door neighbor got sick of them too and chose to spend the bucks to get rid of them. Having observed the wild growth of these trees over the last several years, I learned that cherry trees are very aggressive. They're like weeds of the tree world. They aren't content to enjoy a relatively solitary existence, like their other fruit-bearing cousins. This breed of cherry tree was constantly trying to send up new sprouts all over the place. Apparently they have an extensive root system that creeps up everywhere, seeking a new foothold. Now that they're gone, there's a beautiful view of the sky which hasn't been seen here for a long time. Those trees will be missed ..mostly by local birds and raccoons.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

The October Country - Needle Storm

It's already that time of year again...