Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Winter Follies

Last Monday night, the PDX weather reports didn't contain any undue hype or alarming televison graphics. The local talking news-heads were all but visibly yawning over forecasts calling for a bit of precipitation in the early morning hours that could mix with the cold temps and produce snow flurries and/or maybe some freezing rain. They spoke almost off-handedly of "trouble spots" and a "possible slower morning commute." They were correct. -In roughly the same level of accuracy as if someone were to say, "I'm getting a bad vibe about that Enron investment, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."

As predicted, the snow flurries began during the early morning hours on Tuesday. They just didn't stop like they were supposed to. Within hours, the city of Portland and all of the outerlying areas were measuring several inches of snow and the 'Banfield Parking Lot' was officially open for business. Continual pleas by various authorities for motorists to stay off the roads went unheeded by many, resulting in scenes like the one depicted below, captured by an amateur photographer above the streets on SW 20th & Salmon.

Other storm-related highlights of the day, presented via the local media included:

- City Calls Out All Crews

- TriMet Blames Forecaster For No Chains

- Sledding Injuries Pile Up At Local Hospitals

- Steel Bridge Snowboarder

- Man Stabs Teen Over Thrown Snowball

Prompted by this unprecedented (yeah right!) weather phenomena, a Flickr Account (photo gallery) has been created in hopes of presenting a gentler side of winter, and life in general as experienced here at The Pavilion. It's designed to be easier on the eyes and virtually free of sarcasm. Click H E R E to view it.